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Category: Firefox

yExplore 2.1 Now With More SEO and Web Developer Love

yExplore 2.1 has been released with loads of new shortcuts for SEOs and web developers! yExplore still offers quick and easy access to Yahoo Site Explorer, but now also offers: Google Backlinks, Inindex, Cache – So you can see how the site has progressed over the years. Bing Inindex Delicious saves for a domain. […]

Firefox 3.7 Mockup Theme

Only a few days ago Mozilla put up some ideas on how they’d like to re-design Firefox in the next version. BoneyardBrew and SoapyHamHocks then took the mockups and created a working theme called Firefox 3.7 Mockup Redux 2.0. There are some tweeks and extensions that have to be used to get the full effect as […]

How To Get Google Chrome’s Start Page in Firefox

Since I’ve been playing with Google Chrome, I’ve wanted the start page to be available in Firefox. There are a number of extensions and work arounds, but none that actually work well. That was until I found the Google Toolbar. A new feature in Google Toolbar 5 is Chrome’s start page functionality. Once you install […]

iAqua Has a New Home & Firefox 3 Compatibility

A big thanks to Jivko Evgeniev who heard the call for help and has taken iAqua and ran with it. It’s alive and well and running nicely in Firefox 3.5! I’m really happy at how iAqua has grown in the hands of another developer. One of the downsides to letting go is worrying about what […]

iAqua and extero Themes Need Your Help

Two of my themes that have not yet made the Firefox 3 jump are iAqua and extero. Both themes are very nice and ones that I wish I had time to update but it’s just not happening. With a baby due in weeks, I just don’t see these two Firefox themes getting any sort of attention. […]

5 Mac Browsers, Racing To Be The Fastest

June sure is shaping up to be a good month to be a Mac web geek! Every few days there is a new browser being released and they are all the fastest browser on the net. Apple just introduced Safari 4. It has ‘remarkable’ new features as is the world’s fastest web browser according to […]

My Themes and Firefox 3.5

Good news, I’ve gone though and updated all my themes and extensions to work with Firefox 3.5! There are no major issues, but there are some minor ones. Like the bottom part of the scrollbar is missing and secure pages don’t render the secure part of the URL bar.  I consider these to be pretty […]

Midnight iPox – A Dark Theme with Bright Blue Buttons

Ever thought that you liked parts of one of my themes and parts of another?  Well one reader by the name of Jeremy did.  He decided to combine MidnightFox and iPox Aqua to come up with Midnight iPox. Midnight iPox combines the dark of MidnightFox and the bright blue buttons of iPox Aqua to create a […]

See Twice As Much In TwitterFox By Making It Taller.

I’ve recently started using TwitterFox with my work Twitter account.  I love how its compact, looks great and is easy to access.  What I didn’t like was the fact that I could only see 5 recent posts when I had so much more screen space.  So I made it taller. It just took a few […]

Showcase: Indianapolis Colts Firefox Theme

I know that my Firefox Theme tutorials get a lot of attention, but I don’t always get to see the outcome.  One that I know of though is the Indianapolis Colts Firefox theme. Theme designer, madBOX20, went though my tutorials and created this football theme.  Sure, he started with one of my themes, but he designed […]