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Category: Personal

Christmas Interactive Cheer

Every now and then someone forwards me a Christmas card that they were sent from another company. I guess I’m not special enough to get sent it in the first place. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyways, I thought I’d share two that I received yesterday. Get Your Ding a Ding Ding On from space150 is an interesting and […]

To Cold to Blog?

I’m thinking that it’s to cold to blog this morning. When I got up it was about -17 and felt like -30!!! Definitely, to cold to blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

Candy Cigarettes

When I was a kid I remember getting candy cigarettes. I was so cool! I’m sure that Target or Walmart would never sell such a thing these days but when I was at a store in the Mall of America the other day, there they were. Now I like the candy version of cigarettes much […]

Looking for good Christmas music.

I’m in search of some good Christmas music. Every year artists come out with Christmas albums and some are good while others are the same ol same ol. Sure, Winter Wonderland is a great song, but everyone does it. Same with All I Want for Christmas and many more. The classics are great, but some […]

Wanted: Starter FireFox Theme

I’m looking for a good theme to work with to create new Firefox themes. I hacked into a theme today and added in Camino buttons to create one nice, yet incomplete, Camino Firefox theme. So now I have the urge to create more. Course I don’t have time to. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can’t use the one […]

Decorating for Christmas

I’ve put up a few lights and added some snowflakes to the site this morning to help spread a little Christmas cheer! Let me now if something looks odd or there are usability issues. I use big monitors and a Mac so who knows what the PC world will see. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Let me know what […]

Welcome Back Referrer Karma

Sad to say, but it had to happen. Referrer spam picked back up and I had to re-install referrer karma. Now the last thing I want to do is block out any real people. So, if you have any issues with this blog, please let me know so I can fix it right away. Hopefully […]

Prefetching with Fasterfox is Bad

It’s come to my attention that prefetching with the Firefox extension Fasterfox could be bad and causing extra strain on yours, and other peoples, webserver and possibly pocketbook! Fasterfox, in essence, is a prefetcher. It reads the page you are currently browsing and attempts to download all of the other pages being linked to. When […]

Welcome Winter? Maybe.

Winter has arrived for the third time this year. Yes, third time. It seems that after the last two times the temps skyrocketed and we lost our snow. So we are trying again. Yesterday it was in the low 50s and it rained and even thundered all day long. Today it’s around 20 and snowing. […]

St Louis, Arkansas and Back

We are back and ever so happy to be. Our vacation was good but it really makes you like being home when you get back. St. Louis is a great town. We didn’t spend much time in the actual city, but rather an hour outside. However we did make it in on a few occasions. […]