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Category: Personal

Switching to Safari? Maybe, Maybe Not

I’m a pretty big Firefox user and I do love the browser, but there are a few things I don’t like. Basically the time it takes to launch or open a new window. It just seems to get bogged down every now and then. Safari on the other hand just pops right up. So, I’m […]

Why don’t iMacs have batteries?

Yes, I really asked that question. Why don’t iMacs have batteries? The reason I ask is because things happen. Someone is building a building and cuts the power to a whole city block. Oops. Or a storm brews up and knocks down a tree and the lights go out. It happens, the power goes out […]

Goodbye Mighty Mouse

I had complained that my Apple Mighty Mouse could no longer scroll down and now it’s dead. I had taken it to the Apple store in hopes they’d help. Instead they sent me to YouTube to watch a video on how to clean the Mighty Mouse. Well, I tried to open the mouse and ended […]

Feed My Cow. Catch me on Pownce. Skitch it Up.

For any of you readers that might also have Facebook account, please go feed or pet my cow. Hamburglar, that’s his name, is lonely and would love some attention. If you’d rather connect via Pownce, I’m now no that too. I’ll use it about as much as I do Twitter, and that’s not a whole […]

iPhone Overload – Please Shut Up

Ok, I’m a big Apple fan and I think the iPhone is pretty cool, but the amount of attention it has been getting the past week is overwhelming. People are going crazy over things like cancellation policies. Who cares about that? I’m all for good iPhone information, but the amount of information flooding the web […]

Sync iCal and Google Calendar for Free. Plus Outlook and Yahoo.

For quite a while now I’ve been looking for a solution to sync iCal and Google Calender. I’ve even though of giving up on iCal and using (an application) full time. However Plaxo 3 was released the other day and it syncs calendars for free. Running a few tests, it indeed does sync my […]

Weather Photos – Waconia MN 06-20-07

Yesterday, severe storms ran across the area and prompted tornado warnings for us. I was actually out watching these storms roll in as the sirens sounded. No tornadoes, but some brief decent sized hail, lots of pea sized hail and some rain and wind did come out of them. [images lost]

It may be time for a new mouse, what do you suggest?

My Mighty Mouse is again refusing to scroll down. It happens every now and then when it gets dirty from over use. I have cleaned it a time or two in the past and it worked fine. But now I can’t get it clean enough to scroll down and that’s really bugging me. I’ve gone […]

Lost My Marbles – Upgraded to WordPress 2.2

I’ve been wanting to upgrade Blog on a Stick to WordPress 2.2 for so long. But there have always been so many un-answered questions. Ok, one one main one; “Will Ultimate Tag Warrior convert over properly?” Without a defiant answer, I wouldn’t upgrade. Until tonight. I’m not sure why, but I was in a crazy […]

Trying my hand at a Thunderbird theme.

Just a few days ago I came across Vitae, an amazing Shapeshifter theme. Since I got my new iMac, I haven’t installed Shapeshifter or even thought twice about themes, but now I wanted it. I searched for my serial number and got it installed and it was beautiful. It really is worth a check-out. Then […]