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Category: Personal

InLine Spell Check for Firefox

It’s true, there is support for inline spell check in Firefox! When I upgraded Firefox yesterday my SpellBound didn’t work so I did a little searching and found the developers preview of SpellBound. Not only did it work in Firefox but it came with a new feature; inline spell check! Now, just like Thunderbird, […]

Groundhog Day – What’s the Point?

Today is Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. That means that there is six more weeks of winter. But what’s the point? Actually, what I’d like to know is what happened to winter? Here in Minnesota we just ended the warmest January ever and we had more days in the 40s than we […]

Writely – Social/Web Word Processing

Recently I’ve been using a free service called Writely. Writely is a web based word processing application that is amazing. Features include: Full WYSIWYG Editing (in browsers that support it) Import abilities for Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Text (.rtf) OpenOffice (.odt, .sxw), HTML, Text (.txt) Export abilities for all the above and PDF Sharing abilities […]

iPox Feedback – Lets Talk

I’ve been getting a lot of feedback at my website and on the Mozilla site. So much that I keep hearing the same things over and over. So I thought I’d address a few. Large Icons Yes, I see that removing them made some unhappy people. Don’t fear, they are coming back. When? Well I […]

WordPress 2.0 – Installed

Here it is, in all it’s glory, WordPress 2.0. 🙂 Granted, you probably can’t tell a difference, but that’s a good thing. The upgrade seemed to go just fine. Granted I haven’t check it on a PC in IE yet, but that’s a chance I’m willing to take. My plug-ins are all working too except […]

WordPress 2 Coming

Part of me really wants to upgrade to WordPress 2 while a part of me doesn’t. I’m afraid of screwing anything up but I really want some of the features!! So I’m going to go for it soon and just upgrade. If my blog has issues in the next couple days, you’ll know why. 😉

iPox Tweak

Yes, iPox is taking up quite a bit of my free time right now, but it’s fun to see it evolve. I’ve uploaded a new version to Mozilla’s site based on some feedback. Version 0.31 is a small update with the secure URL background color switched from red to green based on some upcoming standards. […]

Heated Car Seat Covers

I have to tell you, I didn’t think I’d get heated seats until I got a new car. However, for Christmas I got heated car seat covers. Heated seats without getting a new car! These things are wonderful. I just hop in in the morning, plug in the power to the cigarette lighter and before […]

Web Design vs SEO

There seems to be a discussion going on about web design vs SEO. Why is it that web designers and SEO don’t go together? Well, it’s two different fields that have be separate for so long, but now have to act as one. And no one is willing to change or take the time to […]

Microsoft Wireless Keyboard & Mouse

For the past two days I’ve been testing out a wireless Microsoft keyboard and mouse. So far, my feelings are pretty positive. Now I’m not a huge Microsoft fan, actually I tend to avoid them like the plague, but this keyboard and mouse was just sitting there, looking all sad like with all it’s buttons. […]