Have you ever wanted to combine two, or more, WordPress blogs into one? Well it’s actually quite simple. Before you start, make sure that WordPress is updated on both blogs. It’s just easiest that way. I’m not sure it makes a difference, but do it anyway. First: Go to the blog you want to move, log […]
Category: WordPress
Cleaning up the database.
I never fully realized how bad WordPress’ database gets after a while. Plugins leave all sorts of junk behind and it’s just a huge mess. So I started deleting information. Hopefully I didn’t break anything. This all started because my site got suspended yesterday for using to many server resources. I thought that was odd […]
Passwords and backups should be two of the most important features on your site.
Your website may be amazing, but if it doesn’t have secure passwords, and it’s not being backed-up regularly, it could all disappear tomorrow. People never realize how important those things are until someone compromises their stuff. Then what are you going to do? I’ve heard two stories this week about two different developers who got […]
Testing out WordPress custom post formats.
For Best Results, Visit Your Website Every Day
Using Posterous To Post Photos To My WordPress Blog
Geeking out at the first WordCamp MSP
Are you a Posterous fan? What about Tumblr?
Bad Behavior WordPress Plugin Killed My Google Traffic
I’ve been looking into the Bad Behavior WordPress plugin to help stop some of the spam comments that I’ve been getting. Turns out, it made things horribly worse. I’m not sure why, but the plugin decided to block Google bot. By the time I noticed, the damage had been done and my visitor stats are […]
What happens when you change WordPress’ URL structure? Will it kill SEO?
Earlier this year I switched all my WordPress URLs (aka permalinks) from date based to ID and post names. Since then I haven’t seen any negative effects from search engines when it comes to the amount of referral traffic. The Background Now, when a blog is set up, the URL structure is defined. If you […]