I can’t say I was ever a big fan of Google Reader, it was just a little to weird for me. However, the new Google Reader seems to be more advanced and much nicer. I’m actually quite digging the simple interface, nice layout and the stared or shared items.The only thing missing is browser integration. […]
Tagged: google
Google Calendar and iCal Do Jive
Humm… much like most of my problems, once I complain about them, they get solved. So here is what I learned about Google Calendar. My public WebDEV calendar just needed time to refresh. A good hour or two and Google loaded it no problem. My FTP calendars loaded just fine once I removed the robots.txt […]
Google Calendar and iCal Don’t Mix
Jeeves Back at Ask!
I’ve stumbled across exclusive pictures of Jeeves the butler back at Ask! Is his retirement over? // Image lost. Sorry. Zooomr ate it. // I guess the man has been interviewing around as I also spotted him at Yahoo! // Image lost. Sorry. Zooomr ate it. // Checking out Google, I found that they interviewed […]
Lycos Mail Mini-Review
Well Lycos is the newest contender in the competition to win over your email business. So, jumping on the bandwagon, I gave Lycos Mail ago. Overall, it’s nice, but lacking. The interface looks really nice. It has a good color scheme and an up-to-date graphics. However, the graphical ads kill it. It tarnishes the nice […]
Yahoo Answers Rocks!
Google Desktop Sidebar Mac
Google Desktop has a fun sidebar feature that can be used to show off Google widgets. However, this is only available on Windows. Erica Joy (I think she works for Google) figured out a simple work-around. Well kind of. Since Firefox can load any web page in the sidebar, she said that you just have […]
Google Analytics Goals Confuse Me
I’ve been playing around with Google Analytics’ goals recently and I don’t quite get how they work. They sound easy enough, but yet, they are very confusing. For example, when you add your goal, it says e.g. http://www.mysite.com/thankyou.html. But on the ‘My site’s pages are dynamically generated. How do I set up funnels and goals?’ […]
ZoHo – Online Office Applications
There has been lots of talk online about Writely, iRows and Google Spreadsheet lately that I though I’d take a moment and talk about the Zoho offerings. ZoHo is a company that makes an online word processor , spreadsheet application, polls, to-do lists, chat and more. Most applications are free and are all very good; […]